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Welcome to Our Class!

Thanks for visiting our class site! All of the important information you need to know can be found here. Use the tabs at the top of the page to find information like grading and late work policies, our daily schedule, a gradebook link, what we are learning, online resources, and more! There is also a contact tab for you to find my contact information and to send me an email.


*The 5th grade Camp Out will be May 18th & 19th. Students are responsible for bringing certain items for their group, so please talk with your student to plan ahead for what they will be bringing.
*Late fees for overdue and lost books need to be paid to the office as soon as possible.
*Due to unused snow days, the school year will end on May 20th.
*In February and March, students had the opportunity to create a poster for DARE with a chance to throw the first pitch at a Twins game. A few students from our class participated. One of our students had her poster selected for the top 20 out of the whole state. You can check out all posters using the link below.
*Mr. Anderson and I are implementing a late work policy for the fourth quarter to help better prepare students for the responsibility of sixth grade. Students will spend half of their recess inside for each late assignment they have. If they have more than three late assignments in a week, they will have after school detention. Detentions will be set up between the classroom teacher and parents.
*Full band practices will be on Mondays for fifth grade. Students will still have their group practices on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
*Students now have Google accounts. This allows them to work on school papers at home through Google Docs. Their user name is (all lower case) and their login is their lunch number two times without spaces in between.
*Students must have tennis shoes with each day for Phy. Ed. and for wearing in the classroom. They should also have their snow gear with until we let them know they should take it home in case the weather changes unexpectedly.
*After school, students must either walk or bike home, get a ride, or ride the shuttle to Brandon. There should not be any students waiting outside of the school after dismissal. Even if a student is waiting for siblings from the Brandon bus, they must ride the shuttle there and back. This was decided by the school board and discussed at their August meeting. This is a policy for safety reasons and so that children are not waiting at the school unsupervised.
*Each student should bring a water bottle every day to class.
Our Class Calendar
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